April 4, 2023 | 3 min read

Marqeta celebrates Women’s History Month


Every March, we celebrate Women’s History Month and the countless women who have fought and continue to fight for equality, justice and opportunity. We recognize the strength of women and their undeniable impact, and how we can continue to advance the rights and opportunities for women and girls everywhere.

This year, Women’s History Month’s main theme was “Women Who Tell Their Stories.” With this in mind, Marqeta’s Women’s Group and Society of Women in Product Engineering (SWIPE) ERGs teamed up and hosted various events that showcased the strength of female leaders and their inspiring stories. We’re proud of the fact that these events resulted in 300+ attendees throughout the month. 

We hosted three “Women in Tech” series where Women from all walks of life came together to share their stories. This included Marqetan women who spoke about their professional journeys and discussed what it’s like being a woman in the tech industry, including the unique challenges they’ve met throughout the years. In our final session of Women’s History Month, we invited the influential Betsy Z. Cohen, a pillar and trailblazer in the fintech and banking space, to join us and talk about her experience as a female in a male-dominated industry and how she’s helped to break down barriers for women in tech. She provided inspiration and wisdom for Marqeta employees and the women watching, helping to empower us to celebrate ourselves and lift up our female-identifying friends and colleagues. 

Our ERGs also hosted community-building and connection events, getting a chance to meet with women colleagues across the globe. These included a “Get to Know Me” networking event at the start of March and a fantastic DJ set with resident Marqeta DJ Paige P to close out the month. 

As we reflect on the thought-provoking and heartwarming conversations of the last month, we recognized a few themes, including mentorship, community, advocacy, grit and celebration. As a reminder to all the incredible women out there, when we stand together as one and lift each other up we make more room at the table for those who will come after us. There is no gesture too small! We look forward to continuing to celebrate and honor women and fight for equality throughout the rest of the year. 

Learn more about how Marqeta celebrates diversity and each other here.

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