October 25, 2022 | 2 min read

Raiffeisen Centrobank turns to Marqeta to power offering

Raiffeisen Centrobank PartnershipRaiffeisen Centrobank PartnershipRaiffeisen Centrobank Partnership

Today we announced a partnership with Raiffeisen Centrobank to power its new brand, Raiffeisen Digital Bank, enabling customers in Poland and Romania to leverage a modern, comprehensive banking experience with streamlined digital accounts and debit cards.

Raiffeisen Centrobank developers will be able to benefit from our speed and scale to build a new digital banking service on a fast-tracked timeline and accelerate rollout of the product in various European markets. Customers of Raiffeisen Digital Bank will be able to access their accounts through mobile devices, have access to contactless phone and card payments and easily keep track of transactions. 

“We have seen growing demand for simple digital banking products with the instant reaction time over the last years from consumers in our regions,” said Alexey Kapustin, Member of the Board of Management at Raiffeisen Centrobank. “To address these needs we have built the modular modern banking engine where we have leveraged one of the best cloud solutions on the market. By partnering with Marqeta, we are excited to deliver innovative digital card products that address these emerging customer needs.”

Learn more about our European offerings here.


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