November 12, 2021 | 2 min read

November is Marqeta Cares Month of Thanks and Giving

November is Marqeta Cares Month of Thanks and GivingNovember is Marqeta Cares Month of Thanks and GivingNovember is Marqeta Cares Month of Thanks and Giving

Move over Thanksgiving Day, we’ve designated the entire month of November as Marqeta Cares Month of Thanks and Giving. This month, we are encouraging Marqetans to share their gratitude and give back to their communities using their volunteer time off.

Marqeta Cares is one of our core company values and represents how important it is to us as a company to give back, invest in corporate social responsibility, and be responsible stewards of the environment. Every Marqetan is encouraged to positively impact their own community and is given 10 hours of volunteer time off (VTO) per year to find a meaningful project, initiative, or event to donate their time to. This month, we’re collectively coming together to embody our Marqeta Cares values and show our appreciation for each other and the organizations around us that are making an impact. Whether virtually, or safely in person, we’re sharing opportunities for Marqetans to contribute to their communities. A few examples include:

  • Little Essentials Service Day– Little Essentials is based in Brooklyn, NY, and offers at-risk families living in poverty urgently needed children’s supplies and parenting education to promote their children’s health, well-being, and safety under five years of age.

  • East Oakland Collective Feed the Hood – The Feed the Hood program provides community members with opportunities to donate money, goods, and time to provide food and necessities to unhoused populations across Oakland. East Oakland Collective hosts the large-scale Feed the Hood events bi-monthly. The Feed the Hood program reports that since September 2017, it has galvanized over 3,000 community volunteers, distributed over 30,000 lunches, distributed 10,000 hygiene kits, and served over 5,000 unhoused persons across Oakland.

  • Holiday Wish Drive – The Holiday Wish Drive is a great opportunity to help out kids from low-income families in the Bay Area. Learn more and get involved at many more!

We’re also encouraging Marqetans to show their appreciation for their colleagues and their hard work. We’ll be using Fond, our employee recognition tool, to give thanks and recognize our efforts across the company. We look forward to hearing how Marqetans are volunteering their time throughout this month – and the impact we can have on our communities.

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