July 24, 2020 | 2 min read

Marqeta wins The Most Resilient Company of the Year

Marqeta reslient company tearsheet awardMarqeta reslient company tearsheet awardMarqeta reslient company tearsheet award

We’re thrilled today to share that we were named the Most Resilient Company of the Year by the Tearsheet Resilience Awards. COVID-19 has brought on new challenges for every industry, with many financial services companies forced to change direction and adapt quickly to endure these hard times. 

This award is a testament to our team and our customers’ strength and ability to persevere and provide consumers with exceptional payment experiences during the crisis. We are fortunate to partner with true innovators who are stepping up to deliver essential services to consumers, including on-demand delivery services and contactless payment options. 

Tearsheet’s Resilience Awards are an exclusive awards program for the financial industry focusing on how financial institutions, fintech companies and their partners manage and overcome challenging times. 

The Resilience Awards recognizes companies that have found the best ways of overcoming adversity, pivoting quickly and thriving in the face of unprecedented challenges. 

We send our congratulations to all the winners of this year’s Tearsheet Resilience Awards. We’re honored to be a recipient and dedicate it to our hardworking team, our families and our world-class customers.

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