June 12, 2019 | 5 min read

Another Money20/20 Europe comes to a close

Team Marqeta was at Money20/20 Europe in Amsterdam last week and were kept very busy right across the three-day event. Our balcony space was booked solid with meetings and hosted a party, Marqeta executives spoke on stage to packed rooms, we announced key company news and sat for several interviews.

Here’s a brief rundown of a hectic few days in Europe…

Marqeta on stage

To a packed room of several hundred people, late in the afternoon of day one of the conference, our CEO Jason Gardner presented his keynote, “The Rise and Fall and Rise of Cards.” Gardner’s presentation looked at how while people once thought that the card was dying (especially in 2013 as credit card spending continued to fall away post-recession and Apple Pay and Android Pay were poised as card-killers) the card is only more important now and has become central to the fintech revolution. Modern card issuing now supports a broad portfolio of innovation, central to the business of a companies like DoorDash to Square, a common link between very different types of companies, many of whom weren’t even founded in 2010 when Marqeta began its journey.

Our CRO, Omri Dahan, was on stage before this as part of a panel New Revenue Pools and Emerging Opportunities in Banking, alongside leaders from Citi, Raisin, Tinkoff and Instarem. In a far ranging 45 minute discussion, they talked about where user growth was coming from in banking and what the business model of the future was going to look like.

Marqeta announcements

On Tuesday morning at Money20/20 we announced our new European partnership with CashFlows, a consolidated business payment services provider, who will provide BIN sponsorship services to our rapidly growing roster of European fintechs (which includes Aplazame, Capital on Tap, Morning, Twisto, and YAPEAL, with more to be announced in the coming days). You can read more about that news here.

Our head of international strategy, Renata Caine, kicked off the event with a blog post reflecting on Marqeta’s rapid European growth. At Money20/20 Europe in 2018, Marqeta was represented by a handful of people at the conference. Within 12 months we have officially opened our office, which already has grown to more than 10 employees. We’ve signed several clients and had our own balcony overlooking the conference floor. Win!

Marqeta in the news

Our founder and CEO Jason Gardner stopped by the CNBC booth on site in Amsterdam for a sit down interview with CNBC’s London-based Technology Correspondent Elizabeth Schulze. A full clip of his interview was posted online, and Jason’s comments on how companies like Marqeta are poised to complement any future digital banking services by tech giants like Google or Facebook was also picked up in a larger CNBC story.

Marqeta festivities

On Monday night, more than 60 VIPs — from companies like N26, Barclays and Deutsche Bank — crowded into our balcony space overlooking the conference, entertained by a DJ and enjoying cocktails. Our balcony also played host to more than 50 meetings and was a frequent drop by point for people curious about the company.

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